Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
Somewhere, at some point, someone prayed us into the kingdom of God. Now it is our turn. We believe our name, Living Waters World Outreach Center, reveals the heart of God toward His creation. Because of Him, we have purposed to take the Gospel beyond the four walls of our church and into the places where people are hurting and are in need.
Beginning at home, we have many outreaches which flow directly out of our congregation. Faith Christian Academy—a community based Christian school— Set Free by the Sea – a transition home for men coming out of jail and an active Prison Ministry, are among the list of ongoing, in-house ministries, we are currently engaged in.
Beyond our four walls we help support domestic and foreign ministries which touch peoples lives in wonderful ways through the Gospel.
Somewhere, at some point, someone prayed us into the kingdom of God. Now it is our turn. We believe our name, Living Waters World Outreach Center, reveals the heart of God toward His creation. Because of Him, we have purposed to take the Gospel beyond the four walls of our church and into the places where people are hurting and are in need.
Beginning at home, we have many outreaches which flow directly out of our congregation. Faith Christian Academy—a community based Christian school— Set Free by the Sea – a transition home for men coming out of jail and an active Prison Ministry, are among the list of ongoing, in-house ministries, we are currently engaged in.
Beyond our four walls we help support domestic and foreign ministries which touch peoples lives in wonderful ways through the Gospel.